Monday, February 27, 2012

A Mommy:Lost

Phew! We're through another month and its almost Tyler's birthday!!!  The thing though that frustrates the crap out of me is that when I ask Tyler what he wants for his GOLDEN birthday his reply is either "I don't know" or "Let me think about it".  So as of this moment I don't have a thing for Tyler's birthday :(  Before I have to leave for work, I am going to attempt to make him a cake in the shape of a 2 & 8 because Lord knows I am going to probably be pretty sleepy when I get home from working the overnight at McDonalds.

Ummmm, let me see what else...

Finally I was able to spend the weekend (pretty much) down in Carlinville visiting my parents and Ashley & Lexie.  We ate at some yummy places down in Carlinville, one of them Angus Bailey's.  Ethan enjoyed getting to see his cousins and puppies (Burt & Addie).

I do also feel sometimes like a lost Mommy.  Its not that I don't know how to get somewhere its more of how to teach my son different skills such as using a sippy cup.  I know some people have suggested to just simply take away ALL bottles and only offer the sippy cup, well I feel that I have made an honest effort at that avenue but I don't think it works for Ethan.  Yet I do not want to keep offering different types of sippy cups because I don't want to confuse him either.  :(  I am going to only give him a sippy cup during his dinner and maybe I'll pick the right type.
Also, I want to be "guided" into how to give him finger foods.  The little man does not really like anything being put into his mouth except baby food on a spoon.  There are sooooo many things that I just feel so lost about.

Lent has also begun.  I knew pretty much right away that I was wanting to give up Facebook & soda.  My disappointment in myself began on a night when Tyler and I ordered pizza and I practically begged for him to get me soda :(.  While I still have not even looked or tried to see my FB page, I have drank soda on multiple occasions.  It seems like the only time I have been able to give up soda for any such a lengthy time was when I was pregnant with Ethan.

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