Today has been incredibly uncomfortable and I have had this feeling of helplessness that just won't go away!
The breeze of the wind has been nice, making the hot temps more tolerable but having to depend on the breeze has been frustrating to say the least. It reminds me all day long that our air conditioner is not working and that we don't have to money to fix it. Neither Tyler nor I know exactly what is wrong other than it just isn't cooling the house down at all. And there was a time where our power was turned off again due to money matters, Tyler seems to think that the a/c worked before "that" happened and since the powers been turned back on it hasn't worked since. He seems to think that flipping the switch on the box in the basement made something stop working on the unit. *sigh*
To the point of leaving myself breathless, I had to take Ethan to the Dr's office AGAIN! Am I doing something wrong here? I just feel that there is something, some trick, some recipe for successfully keeping your child healthy. E has all these bumps all over him, chicken pox-esque; but that is not it (E is too young). The kid even has this rash in his groin area and I even think that it bothers me way more than it does him because he hasn't even attempted to itch or touch it. When we went to the appointment, which we got last second and I am sooooo greatful, Dr. C did not examine the one area where it is effecting Ethan the most. I am almost ready to throw my hands up with the doctor because maybe just maybe something else could be done...I am having a hard time letting go and letting GOD.
Today has been a down sort of day for me...I can't help but feel that I am just letting Ethan's childhood slip by. He isn't on time for some milestones and I can't help but feel that its my fault. :( We want a bigger place so we can expand our family but we can't even handle the house we have. Our mower is broken (so our front yard is like a jungle), bills are barely getting paid, and we don't have any permanent daycare/sitting person for Ethan so that we can work ( and even get some overtime) so things like the a/c & mower can get fixed. I have a lot to pray about and hopefully you will pray for us too.
A little bright side...
Yesterday I watched a movie called "The Vow" with Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. I love the whole idea of the movie especially since it is based on a true story but if I rated the movie I would give it a B-/C+ and that is being generous. The ending made you feel like there was a scene that got accidentally edited off at the end making you think that there was more to the story that could have been shared.
Today, I saw another new-ish movie. This movie is called "Bridesmaids" and it has a bunch of SNL actors and even a few from the tele show "The Office". It is sooooooooooooooooooo funny! Definetly an A+
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